Thursday, January 29, 2009

Great work being done in the City

I am continually reminded of the many people here in the city of Hamilton who are doing great work, and are leaders in this community to which the church should follow (if not partner with and help promote their work!). As I try to keep up with some of the papers and websites like "Raise the Hammer" I get glimpses of sound and honest work being done for the good of the environment, the poor, the city as a whole - JUSTICE issues that need attention. (Side-Bar reminder and encouragement to check out the 'cool websites and blogs' section of this blog that highlights some great things happening that we in the Hammer should be aware of)! I am in the midst of some planning for the Truecity conference coming up in February which reminded me of the efforts being done to address poverty in our city. There are some great stories by churches on their involvment in this area. As well, as I sit around the table of local community members and agencies at our CrownPoint Community meetings, I get excited about the interest and desire by folks to look out for each other, like addressing the increasing rat infestation in homes occuring as a result of the Centre Mall deconstruction, or the support of grandparents in our midst who are raising their grandchildren (ROCK). I love this city, and love that people from all walks of life are investing in it and each other, because we should.

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