Sunday, May 18, 2008

Others part II

It is a death [of a church] that will take us from a maintenance mentality to a mind-set of mission-before-everything-else; from a concern about formal membership to a commmitment to call men and women to radical and authentic discipleship; from an emphasis on denominational policies and practices to an energising pragmatism that is willing to try whatever works in communicating the whole gospel to the whole person in the whole community; from a strategy of invitation, which tries to figure out how we can get people to 'come to church', to a missiology of incarnation which is willing to take the church and the Lord of the the church to the people wherever they 68 Chick Yuill

Sunday, May 11, 2008


"The ultimate test of our relationship with God, of our desire to know him and our willingness to serve him, is found not in the aesthetic quality of our ritual acts of worship or even the emotional and spiritual depth of our religious or mystical experiences. Rather, the ultimate test of our relationship with God is in how we react to our fellow human beings who are created in his image, especially those in need." p13 Chick Yuill