Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas Eve

We had a wonderful Christmas eve dinner together. We had ample amounts of leftovers, some great Christmas carol singing (with a few extra diddies like Elvis), and an opportunity to share and reflect on Christmas. We talked about hope, and what living in that hope would look like for this New Hope community. Peter shared about being "in-tune" with God and demonstrating this with his hand to his head like a satelite dish on his head (either way - the image is now stuck in your head too!). We all agreed, hope in this community and living lives of hope would create a safe place of acceptance, forgiveness and anticipation. So, let's see what 2009 brings! The evening was certainly a highlight of 2008 for many of us, but we cannot fail to see and acknowledge the many ways God has answered prayer and blessed us this entire year. Our motley crew of a family has grown together, struggled together, and can already anticipate some hard work ahead of us. But God loves us, forgives us and gives us GRACE. I look forward to recognizing and tasting this GRACE so much more this coming year - and desiring to share that freedom and grace with my community.

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