Thursday, February 19, 2009


Recently, at our Crownpoint Community Planning Team meeting (CPCPT), we had a presentation done by Green Venture on liveable cities . "Development that encourages urban sprawl and its inherent inadequacies with respect to sustainable transportation, infrastructure drain, tax burden and natural spaces degradation needs to be re-thought. City planning and development that embraces infill and intensification is the smart way to grow our communities." At our meeting, we were able to take a look at the types of work being done to make liveable neighbourhoods in our city through things like alternative modes of transportation - Streets that are built or re-built with features that provide safe and equal access for all users. New Hope, CPCPT and every member of this CrownPoint Community, has a responsibility to work together to improve our city, in this case, in terms of transportation and urban sprawl.

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