Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Poverty in Canada

As the election approaches, do you know what "our" political leaders plan to do in the area of poverty? Check out the videos on the links below.

All the federal party leaders except Stephen Harper have gone "on the record <http://list.makepovertyhistory.ca/e/lists/lt.php?id=KRpXVAFfDg0ABBhSAA5PB1dVBVUH> " answering questions on video about what they would do to tackle global, domestic and Aboriginal poverty.

Check out <http://list.makepovertyhistory.ca/e/lists/lt.php?id=KRpXVAFfDg0AAhhSAA5PB1dVBVUH> what the leaders of the Bloc, Greens, Liberals and NDP would do about poverty if elected. And make sure to ask Stephen Harper what he would do <http://list.makepovertyhistory.ca/e/lists/lt.php?id=KRpXVAFfDg0ABRhSAA5PB1dVBVUH> , because he won’t tell us.

In these short video clips <http://list.makepovertyhistory.ca/e/lists/lt.php?id=KRpXVAFfDg0AAhhSAA5PB1dVBVUH> , Stéphane Dion, Gilles Duceppe, Jack Layton and Elizabeth May talk about their support for Make Poverty History goals and answer specific questions about reaching the target of giving point seven percent of our income for foreign aid, a national plan to end poverty in Canada and what they would do to narrow the living standards gap between Aboriginal people and the rest of Canada.
Once you have seen the videos, send a message to Stephen Harper <http://list.makepovertyhistory.ca/e/lists/lt.php?id=KRpXVAFfDg0ABRhSAA5PB1dVBVUH> asking him to say what he will do to make poverty history. We believe that before Canadians go to the polls they should know what all the party leaders would do to end poverty so that they can make an informed decision about which party is best able to help make poverty history.
Maybe you can get Mr. Harper to go ‘on the record <http://list.makepovertyhistory.ca/e/lists/lt.php?id=KRpXVAFfDg0ABRhSAA5PB1dVBVUH> ’ with his plans to fight poverty.

Many thanks,

Monday, September 29, 2008

Poverty in Hamilton

Is the "Persistence" of Poverty something that we had better get used to? Why not read this blog http://poverty.thespec.com/ and share your thoughts and feelings on poverty.